
Mission Day Fundraising

The Mary Ward Primary Health Care Centre (PHCC) in Rumbek, South Sudan, provides essential health services, particularly to vulnerable children, women and the elderly. Our Sister and team in South Sudan have reached out to MWIA and its supporters requesting funds to specifically help children under the age of five. They are the most vulnerable, and at risk of dying, as their developing bodies have little resistance to disease.

The team have reported that children in rural areas continue to suffer, as food insecurity due to conflict has prevented agricultural production, resulting in acute starvation, malnutrition, and nutritional related illnesses. In addition to this, children who are not vaccinated are at high risk of dying from preventable illnesses. The country is facing its highest levels of food insecurity and malnutrition since independence ten years ago. An estimated 1.4 million children and 480,000 pregnant or lactating women will be acutely malnourished and in need of treatment. Since the first enrolment of children in the Nutrition Feeding program in early 2018, the team at PHCC have reached out to children in the community of Maker Kuei providing medical check-ups, immunisation and simple but nutritious meals to children suffering from malnutrition.

Please join us to urgently help provide life-saving medicine and nutrition to more children, and help them survive into adulthood.

Tax deductible donation link: https://www.mwia.org.au/donate/current-appeal/

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